Monday, October 11, 2010

Cheating - a few case studies.

My earlier post left a lot unsaid and i think it would not be fair unless i cover the topic in a bit more detail.

Lets start with a simple scenario.. Two families living nearby. One slightly well off good looking working  couple with kids and husband in an MNC. Second slightly less of f woman a housewife not good looking at all  husband makes ok money with one kid. Woman gets attracted to the other man. drops letters in his car. few phone calls and few days later the guy is caught by his wife tipped off by  her maid at the other woman's house. What he was doing there is anybody's guess. Who cheated who? Both. The woman instigated it. Why? Maybe physical/sexual attraction or the lure of a good lifestyle. Man why did he do it? The woman was older than the guy by maybe a couple of years too. Well men will most times go weak in the knees if a woman approaches him with sexual undertones. trust me for most men its very difficult to lay off in such a circumstance. Thats the way they are wired by god. Is it wrong? Maybe it is but then who said life is fair.

As i said in my earlier post humans are polygamous. someone pointed out men are polygamous but women rarely. Why? Simple. Men need to spread their seed like trees as far as they can for survival ( god dint think we will outlive and grow more powerful than any other species. he had made us animals too). While women need to hold on and be secure and make sure the offspring grows and survives.(again a throw back from ancient times). Also men have been designed to be more muscle and physical and hence the attraction to sex vs women who are more emotional and hence the emotional bonding stuff. Not that it does not work the other way but in a sense of generally speaking and averages. No wonder most women would agree to stay at home and enjoy the comforts if the men could provide more than the needs and for luxuries too. yes the times are changing and who knows what it evolves to but as of now and historically women are happy to play the sheet anchor role while men strive to earn a living. Most women will argue this point but lets face it somewhere it is true to a large extent weather forced by societies or nature. What do these lines have to do with cheating. Well in my earlier post remember i had said women who stay at home have less chances of their husbands cheating since they are able to dedicate more time to them. Yes i know you now are referring to my above example but you see there the woman cheated not the man.

Lets take another example. A family of 3 happy and another family of 3 all happy. man changes job meets a new woman married with kid and happy. soon enough they are dating and going off on tours.. hmm sounds fishy .. Man gets caught and confronted by wife. the other woman gets caught and confronted by husband. Both acknowledge to the affair but refuse to leave their partners. Why? What they get from each other is what was missing in their it emotional bonding, good sex or even thrill or adventure. could be anything which drove them close and the fact that they were close in proximity and spending long hours at work together helped their relationship. Could be that the couples individually had no chemistry who knows.

Lets take a 3rd example a couple in a relationship. not married almost no sex and when it happens looks like a task list point. Man meets someone say an old friend starts talking online soon attraction grows. but it stays at that. They talk about everything. now would you say that this is cheating? Yes and no. Yes cause he somewhere is attracted to this woman while being with another and doing all this behind her back. No because he is already breaking up with the first one. the strains are already there. Or is it ok to fulfill different needs from different people while still being in love with someone else? Is Sex outside a greater sin or emotional infidelity the greater one?Can a person be in love with my girl/boy friend  as the case maybe and still be platonically involved with someone else? Lemme know what you think.. a follow up post may be in the pipeline....


  1. All the scenarios are very realistic but still it is difficult to justify cheating. these questions have no answers: while for some emotional infidelity is big, for others physical infidelity.

    Very few ppl realise that cheating might be tempting but it is too destructive and not worth the trouble actually. One partner rarely can meet all your needs but this doesnt mean that u cheat.

    Just one simple step can save a relationship: acknowledging the attraction to another person to your partner.

  2. Completely agreed. Nothing can justify cheating. the question still is what is cheating ... its not the same for everyone and maybe thats why we are all so different. but does one night of cheating/slip up ruin a relationship? I dont think so. everyone can make a mistake, but as long as you realize confess and rectify it. its ok. One should learn from mistakes and look at the postives.

  3. it is not so easy...rebuilding trust after an affair or a fling is not for the faint hearted and it takes a long time...even a smallest slip or a lie can make the hurt partner suspicious...

  4. Depends from person to person and how badly you love your partner..

  5. going by these instances would u say that marriage is an outdated institution and has lost its relevance. most of the ppl are keeping the pretense of marriage and breaking the sanctity of it anyway...

  6. Not sure myself but would like to believe that they can be made to work. what requires is effort from both partners which is lacking in modern times ... we sued to hear the high divorce rate in the us.. now it is the same in India too.. maybe the cost of development.. maybe the new liberated woman.. maybe the stupid men.. maybe anything.. see 2+2 makes it 4 not 22... same goes for marriage..Even though i in my mid 30's a single man.. believe that marriage is a must for us and the children.. we are social animals.. some probs in some marriages do not make it a useless thing at all. if one brands cars keep breaking down it does not mean the car is useless product is it?

  7. And as an afterthought i do know of people who have broken one marriage and lived happily in their second...question there is were they cheating on the first or was the second their tru calling.. was the first a arranged marriage which never worked for them and they eventually found true love.. question is wide open...

  8. Hi Geek, Marriage is necessary, no doubt about that...for children for society etc etc. but at the same time marriage in its traditional format has lost its meaning. Maybe the concept of marriage needs to change with the changing not sure wot these changes should be but the earlier reasons for requirement of marriage are no longer valid.

  9. So what do you think should be a reason for marriage? or you think it should be a live in/open relationship kind of thing?

  10. Dont really know but the earlier reasons no longer work. Am not sure about live-in, since now that it has legal sanction, it is basically same as marriage. Various different models will emerge I suppose...wot do u think should be the reason for marriage.

  11. Marriage should not be with someone you want to live with and spend the rest of your lives.. it should be with someone you cant live without.. someone you need to talk to 3 times a day.. someone who you need like a hippie needs a drug... see no 2 people love each other the same.. one always loves the other a bit more than the other loves the first one.. and hence the prob... thats why you say marriage means sacrifice... usually only one person sacrifices.. dont know if it all this makes sense at all but thats what i feel...

  12. the heady feeling of love when u need to talk to the other person 3 times a day usually ends after a while. marriage means accepting the other person with all his/her idiosyncracies requires trust and patience. more than love marriage is likely to survive and thrive if the two people care for the other person...

  13. Sadly that also goes away after a while... it is just my career, my life, my this and my that...
